Just Married

Thank you, Peter.
You´re a lucky man.
Hey, I know that.
Grab a flute
ofibubbly,and rise.

Why is Peter Prentiss here?
Dad´s doing a business
deal with him.

All right.
Health, wealth, happiness!
Health, wealth, happiness!
All right. Peewee, 10-yard out.
Leezak, gimme
a five-yard slant.

You got this, man.
Don´t worry
about it.

Calm down.
What do you mean,
calm down?

Hey, why do bad things
happen to good people?

That´s what
I want to know.

Where´s that
in your book?

She´s very determined,
you know.

Are you kidding?
Look, he´s a Polack.

No, he´s a--
He´s a Polack.

I know that.
I warned you.

Let´s see what
Leezak´s packing.

Ready? All right.
- And break!
- Break!

On one. Ready?
You girls ready,forthis?
That was a hard one.
That was a tough one.

- Yeah!
- That´s what I´m talkin´ about.

What are you doing,

Hey, I slipped.
I still got my flag.
I´m good. I´m good.
Oh, my Peewee.
Always moving so fast.

You move in together
after a month...

Live together for nine months,
and now you´re engaged.

Oh, I know you love him,
but you know...

sometimes it takes
more than love...

to sustain a marriage.
You need to be old enough
to know whoyou are...

and whatyou want
and who he is.

Oh, Mom, Mom,
he´s wild and spontaneous...

and hysterical
and offbeat...

and on top of all that...
