As long as you´re okay
with a bogus roster.
It´s not a bogus roster.
Is he on,
or is he off?
Shut up.
And you could´ve had Peter.
I did have Peter.
It wasn´t that hot, okay?
Excuse me?
I was in Seattle...
helping on
an appraisal...
ran into Peter--
We went out.
I drank
way too much...
I knewit we...
You bad girl.
I wanted to tell Tom
so many times...
but he gets so jealous,
you know?
Listen, it doesn´t matter
that he doesn´t know.
It´s not like
you guys were married...
and even if you were--
No, no, no.
It matters to me.
It´s like living a lie.
I cannot live a lie.
There will always be
this big, fat elephant...
in the room with us.
Listen, P.eewee.
It´s time to go, Sarah.
Come on.
Got everything?
How you holding up?
Pussy´s a mess.
I´m just telling you right now.
Be prepared.