Ah. I wonder what kind
of wheels we got?
I´m telling you. This is not the car.
Ispecifiically, ordered
a compact.
This is a European compact.
No, this is a Ringling Bros. compact.
I´ve owned Tonka trucks
bigger than this car.
I mean, honey, I looked
at the brochure...
and there was
a Fiesta on the cover...
not a Bingo.
Aw, baby needs
a great big car...
to make him happy.
Uh, well, we could really
use the Dodge about now.
"Oh, we could really...
use the Dodge
about now.´´
What was that?
You just sound
so "Uh-merican.´´
"Oh, we could really use
the Dodge about now, mmm.
"While I´m makin´
a doody...
"can you hand me
my sports section...
"and a beer with that?
Thank you very much, ma´am.´´
Are you mocking me?
No, baby.
Just floor it.
I am flooring it.
If I pushed any harder...
my foot would blow
through the floor...
and we´d be Flintstoning
our asses there.
Ooh! Whoa, whoa!
Turn here!
You okay,?
- Yeah,you?
- Yeah.
If you would´ve
told me about the turn...
maybe before
we passed it...
I wouldn´t have had to pull
such a NASCAR evasive maneuver.
I was busy looking at the map.
Somebody had to navigate.
Listen to us.
We sound like
an old married couple.
Never again.
Just for the record...
why did I almost get us
killed back there?
that´s our hotel.
It looks like a castle.
It is a castle.
And that´s precisely
why it looks like one.