Just Married

And since when did you
become the expert?

I told you about that night
I had in college.

You didn´t tell me
about the hardware.

Getting a visual?
We gotta charge
this thing.

Ha ha.
Mmm. That plug won´t fit
in a European outlet.

I´ll make it fit.
Come on.
Honey, don´t force it.
- Honey.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?

Holy dear Jesus.
Good thing
that didn´t happen...

when we were
using it.

Oh, God.
Come on!
Come on, Thunderstick!

Oh, no! Okay,
just let it go.

My grandparents
installed the wiring...

in the hotel...
before World War First.
It worked fine...
until you young kids...
had to bring out
your toys...

and ignore the sign.
That is the--
That´s in French,
for Christ´s sakes.

That´s because
we´re in France.

Is there anything
we could do?

Pay the damages.
