That one moment changed my life...
... because in all the years that followed...
... Louis was better at getting
me into trouble than getting me out.
A dreamer in search of treasure,
who only found bottle caps.
On that fateful day, Louis saved my life.
You see this guy?
And I never forgot it.
He just saved your life.
He wouldn't let me.
And now it's 20 years later.
My new stepfather, Sal,
set me up in my own business:
A beauty salon.
He did it for my mother.
Of course, his goons come in every week
and take 80 percent of the profits.
That, he did for himself.
Hey, Carbone.
And Louis, the guy who saved my life,
is now my closest friend.
He thinks I can do a lot better than this...
... but he also thinks he looks like
Denzel Washington.
Toots, I was hoping you could ask Sal
if I could keep a little extra this week...
...to make improvements on the place.
You wanna make improvements?
Lmprove on what's in this bag next week.
Look, man, I need a favor.
I just got this job delivering TVs,
but my partner got sick.
He had one of those
microwave chimichangas...
Louis, why do all your stories
start off this way?
I need your help. If I don't get these TVs
off the truck, man, I don't get paid.
Oh, this sounds illegal.
No, no, no. Charlie, this is totally legit, man.
I know the guy.
Just like you knew the guy...
...who asked you to drive
his dogs up from Florida. Remember him?
I'm supposed to know a bunch of greyhounds
were being used to smuggle diamonds?
Look, man, I need your help on this one.
Two hours, tops. That's all I need.
- This is really important for me.
- Louis, you have a job.
You call working in my uncle's
meat market a job, Charlie?
I sweep up cow guts and
pig snouts all day, man!
I need a job where I'm treated like a man.
Where I get some respect. Ain't
that what Aretha said? "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"?
Well, then, delivering TVs
is definitely the answer.
I'm dying here, man. I need your help.
Louis, I'm busy here.
Can't you see I'm busy?
I was busy that day 20 years ago
on the beach too, man.
Did that stop me from saving this skinny
little white kid from flailing in the surf?