Kangaroo Jack

Now, there's a Yank that can drink.
Any Yank that can drink is all right with me.
G'day. My name is Blue.
- Charlie.
- Nice to meet you, Chaza.

- Charlie.
- That's what I said, Chaza.

We're only two hours late.
He should be a reasonable
and understanding man.

- What?
- Mr. Smith?

- Yeah, you might not know me, but...
- Where are you bludgers?

I'm out here in the back of Bullamakanka
up to me ears in heat stroke...

... waiting for you two Yanks.
Where's me package?
It's been temporarily misplaced.
I don't reckon you respect me very much.
First you steal my package
and now you're on the phone...

... razzing me about it.
We didn't steal your package.
I swear! We're gonna get it back!

You'd be a banger short of a barbie
if you didn't, when I find you!

You better get ready
to cough it up...

...otherwise, I'll chop you into snags
and feed you to the crocs.

- Mr. Smith?
- Have a nice day.

One of me favorites.
A kangaroo. A kangaroo.

Wildlife Foundation.
- Louis, this is Blue. Blue, this is Louis.
- Hey, Blue.

- What'd Mr. Smith say?
- He was nice.

- He said everything was cool.
- Really?

He did say that we should do our best
to get the package back.

- Right. The package.
- The package!

Order me another drink. I got a plan.
This isn't my day.
You mind leaving a little for the camels?
