You're American.
And you're drinking water
that comes from a stagnant pond.
I'm from Brooklyn. I've had a lot worse.
- My name is Louis.
- Name's Jessie.
- Nice to meet you.
- Wanna give me a hand?
No offense, but these are
the ugliest rabbits I've ever seen.
They're called bilbies.
They're almost extinct.
In fact, it's up to these guys to repopulate
the entire Devil's Marbles area.
Somebody's gonna be having fun tonight!
That's the plan.
Looks like you'll need more bilbies, though.
Well, if the foundation I work for
had more money...
You mean the Wildlife Foundation?
- You work here?
- Yeah.
Thank you, Lord! This is great!
I need some help.
I put my lucky jacket
on the back of a dead kangaroo...
...who came to life
and hopped off with my money.
- You do need help.
- No, no, no, I'm for real.
Can you help me?
Do you have any idea where he is?
It seems to me you need an airplane.
You need a tranquilizer gun...
You need a list.
Come on, come on, come on!
He's got it!
Charlie! Charlie!
Come here, man. Come here!
Give me one sec, guys.
You've gotta see this guy drink!
He's unbelievable!
I figured out how to catch that kangaroo.
First we hit it with a car and
now you want to blow its head off?
This is a tranquilizer dart.
It works in three stages.