How are we gonna catch a kangaroo on foot?
Got it.
You ever heard of Devil's Marbles?
Due east. Bit of a walk, though.
Why, what's there?
The lady I told you about
at the wildlife office.
- The epileptic?
- Yes.
She works with animals and I bet
she can help us catch Jackie Legs.
- Please!
- Charlie.
It's better than being cut up
into little bitty pieces, man.
Not if you go first and I get to watch.
Look out, you blokes go ahead.
I'll fix the radio, be right with you.
- Which way is east, man?
- That way.
- Let's go, man.
- No, no, wait there.
That way.
I'm worried about Waffles.
Do you think she'll be okay with Sal?
Oh, sure.
As long as she doesn't dig up
any bodies in the back yard...
...she should be just fine.
- Good.
How far did Blue say this place was?
He didn't. He just said it was due east.
So is Brooklyn.
- You're the guide?
- Yes, sir.
My name Mr. Jimmy.
First-rate, expert Outback guide.
You'll be most happy with me.
Great freaking start.
Hey, listen, you know where we can
get some guns around here?
No worries. You boys hunters?
Yeah, hunters.
I think I just sweated out a bottle of Yoo-Hoo
I drank in the eighth grade.
Be cool. Dingoes.
Hey, that one kind of looks like Waffles.
Yeah, if Waffles had a crazed look
in his eyes and his face caked in blood.
Why are they staring at me like that?
Because I'm a green leaf salad
and you're the all-you-can-eat buffet.