Shit, 28 seconds.
What the hell... Into the hole.
Two, three, four, five, -
- six, seven, eight...
- Hi, Benny!
- Hi, Mike.
- How are you?
- Fine.
- What are you doing?
- Oh, it's just a bit of...
- Shit, what a faggot! You knit.
- So what?
My mom knit.
Hell, that sounds all wrong.
"Fack", you sound like a fool.
- You have to say "fock". Gangster style.
- That's what I'm saying. "Fack you".
What are you doing here, Mike!
Go inside and eat! Go! Go!
- Hi, Benny!
- Hi, Ramzi!
- How are you doing?
- Fine. And you?
What are you doing? Do you knit?
Yes... It's going to be a little...