"Listen, Sister, it's crucial that
I get on this flight"
"Listen, Brother, the last seat's gone."
My seat?
To whom?
- That lady-on the phone
One minute
You know what happens to
me when I'm away from you...
"I'm missing you, my love"
You miss me too?
Fine. I'll stay two more days
No... I'm on today's flight
- Can you help me?
"Could I have your seat, please?"
I mean - your seat on the Mumbai flight
My son's in Mumbai. Babloo
"He's ill, very ill... seriously ill"
What's wrong with him?
Heart attack
How old?
- Twenty-six
And you?
"Father, son... both 26?"
You asked about Babloo?
"If I'm 26, how old would he be?"