I knew you'd like this place
"Raj, come on.
- Where?"
I told Poonam we'll meet upstairs
"It's less crowded, you two can talk and..."
You take such good care of me!
Poonam's an interior designer.
She studied in New York
What's that famous college called?
- Gaitonde Institute of Design
Stop kidding.
- I'm listening. I went to NYU
"If you don't know anything about
Poonam, how will you talk to her?"
I know what to say.
- That's what I'm afraid of.
There's Poonam.
Doesn't she look cute?
My friends call me Pony
When you let down your
hair what do they call you?
What will you have?
- Vodka!
"Sir, this is not your drink, sir
- Put it down"
What will you drink?
No hard drinks for me.
One Virgin Pina Colada
One Virgin Pony Colada...
"And you, Namrata?
- A Coke. No ice"
You need to make a phone call
I did already
What are your hobbies?