La Finestra di fronte

You've been weird since we left
the market, what's wrong?

Nothing! Does there have to be
something wrong?

We've been out for an hour
and you haven't said a word!

We got the groceries, came
downtown and you're silent!

If you're mad at me, say so.
Stop wearing that face.

I'm not making a face, you're
the one who's always pissed off.

Let's go over there.
If I'm mad I don't shut up
and hoId it in like you!

Oh sure, you're always right,
I forgot.

I'm not always right,
but I am this time.

Come on, you like to fight.
You could stick up for me
just once!

You made a scene because she
cut into the line.

- But she was ahead of us!
- When I tried to apologize,

she jumped on me like a maniac
and you kept quiet!

What was I supposed to do?
You don't see the face you make
when I talk to people.

- You're ashamed of me
- What are you talking about?

You were screaming. Even the
cashier said you were wrong.

Did you see how she pointed
that pencil at me?

Yes, but you didn't need
to tell her where to shove it.

Okay, maybe I went too far.
Then she asked the Romanian

if she had enough money to pay.
What a racist!

Listen, put that money away.
There are people around...
