La Finestra di fronte

- Would you like some more?
- Yes.

- Mama?
- Why are you awake?

Maybe Simone is dead.
- Simone?
- The man in there!

- How do you know his name?
- He told me.

He got his memory back.
He told your daughter
that his name is Simone.

He's asleep
from overexertion.

Did he just tell you
or did you ask him?

- Why are you whispering?
- So I don't wake him up.

If you let him sleep, will you
carry him out ofhere?

Sir? Simone?
You have to wake up.
We have to go, wake up.

No, Filippo!
You're not leaving him here!

- He could be a maniac!
- You're exaggerating, Giovanna.

He'll sleep near the kids!
You're crazier than he is!

Stop yelling.
I'll yell when I want to!
Watch how he wakes up now!

Great, he made himseIf
comfortabIe now.

- You resolve this situation!
- Look! You made him cry!

Stop that tone
or I'll smack you one!

And I'll report you to a cop!
