La Finestra di fronte

He's a dead end.
Look, he wants to sleep with
you and then he'll take off.

Anyway, he'll be in Ischia
and you'll be here.

Alright, but would he spy on me
for months just for a fuck?

Then tell him you're leaving
everything to run off with him

to live your dreams of love
on the island.
Watch how fast he disappears.

Listen, I'm working overtime.
Will you wait for me?

No, I'll take the bus.
Fuck him!
Yes, have yourself a good fuck.
It's the only way
to get him out of your head.
Go home, make yourself pretty,

leave the kids
to sleep at my house,

and that's the end of it.
Don't make that face,
it's not a tragedy.

Look, if you do it well,
do it very well.

Come in.
I tried to give the place
some atmosphere.

Maybe I went overboard.
I'll put them out if you like.
No, it's very nice.
