La Finestra di fronte

I saved many people that night.
The same people
who laughed at me,

who didn't believe
in my sentiments,

who wouldn't accept
that I could love Simone.

And to save them,
I lost him.

I was at a crossroads,
can you understand that?

But instead of running
to Simone,

I chose
to warn the others first.

I had to show
that I was worthy of them,

to save them first
would be my redemption.

Where did you leave
the children?

With Emine.
You mustn't trust anyone!
Every neighbor
could be an informer, a spy!

- They're not in danger.
- Yes, they are! Run,

go home, hide them, take them
as far away as you can!

Calm down, Davide,
nothing's happened!

There's no time to lose,
they'll be here any minute!

- The children are safe.
- Oh, the indifference...

That's your disease.
You're blind and deaf.

They've stupified all of you
with their propaganda!

You must...
You must run and warn
everyone you know, Giovanna

Before it's too late!
Alright, Davide, I will.
Just calm down now.

We're here with you,
nothing can happen
