Thank you very much.
You look upset!
I imagine I do.
Something awkward has cropped up.
We should talk in private.
Maybe you think so
but certainly not.
We're a family, you see.
Well, your family's under attack.
- All the more reason.
- Under attack?
This kind of thing
happens during campaigns.
They smile
and then strike low blows.
Who is "they"?
I don't know. Shall I read it?
- Give it to me.
- Please, Anne.
Read the rag, Matthieu.
You're interested now?
It is a rag. I'm sorry.
It's not your fault.
"Madame Charpin-Vasseur
is at it again!
"She's taken a liking to it!
"Now they intermarry,
there's no stopping them!
"The degenerate savages!"
I'm sorry,
I can't go on.
"The degenerate savages!
"In 1981, Charpin-Vasseur
and his brother's wife
"died in a mysterious car accident.
"So the widow married the widower,
"to try them both out..."
That's insane!
"An honourable family,
honourable but jinxed!
"In 1958,
it celebrated the Fifth Republic
"with a plane crash that killed
our candidate's father and mother.
"They were just Vasseur back then.
"The name Charpin was in the sewer
where it belonged."
Don't get up, I'll go.
No, she's not in.
Of course. I'm her aunt.
Oh, my God!
Both of them But how
They were together?