"One bad egg in the wrong basket.
"A fine omelette!
"Pierre Charpin was then murdered
in strange circumstances.
"One of his daughters, Micheline,
was suspected."
That's so unfair!
The case was dismissed, Aunt Line!
It doesn't matter, dear.
"Her acquittal convinced no one,
"no more than the theory
of political revenge.
"Pierre Charpin's wife died
"of a possible broken heart
a few weeks later.
"The Charpins' annus horribilis.
"Fate has been hard on them
these last 50 years.
"Let's hope that, on election day,
"Madame Anne Charpin-Vasseur,
the queen of flightiness,
"will uphold family tradition
and be soundly beaten."
Right. Who wrote it?
I don't think we'll ever know.
Couldn't we try to find the printer?
A printer would never have touched
such a charming piece.
Spare us the sarcasm.
Forgive me.
I loathe politics.
It isn't politics!
If you'd stayed out of this,
we'd have all been spared
this literary masterpiece.
Shall I make more coffee?
Yes, please, Aunt Line.
How can she just sit and listen?
She's very strong.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to fight, dear.
- What's our schedule?
- Low-rent housing but...
We change nothing.
Don't you agree?
I don't need to agree.
I just follow.
Why don't you use
the dishwasher?
I work faster than it does.
I never asked for it.