La Fleur du mal

Can't your guardian angel do it?
He's kind
but he's not my driver after all.

No, he's not, I am!
You're my husband.
Dinner will be ready
in ten minutes.

It's not that dirty.
Not dirty at all, you mean.
You didn't see my room
in Chicago.

I can imagine.
It was even worse when I left.
I'm starting to feel hungry.
- What about the bedrooms?
- What about them?

We need to clean them,
make the beds...

Please. We can do that
when we get back.

Let me take a quick shower.
The water may not be hot.
I'll take a cold shower, then.
Who's this I see?
Haven't seen you in a while.
Hello, Pierrot.
- I thought you were in America.
- I'm back.

- How's Aunt Line?
- Very well. She says hello.

- And your parents?
- They're well too.

A nice table for you.
I'll sit here, if that's okay.
- Make yourself at home.
- Old habits...

- Not very busy tonight.
- Tomorrow will be though.

Your mother's running again.
She's got the bug now.
I bet your dad's not happy.
He was hopping mad last time,
I remember.

- He's getting used to it.
- Good job too.

- Oysters and sole?
- Perfect.
