La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

We had a wonderful relationship.
But it was cut short.

President of the Basque Government

with the Basque
Nationalist Party (PNV)

Graduate in Basque Philology,
poet and writer in Basque

President of Euskaltzaindia
(Academy of the Basque Language)

Cultural Councilor in San Sebastian
for the Basque Socialist Party.

Threatened by ETA.
Gen. Secretary of Batasuna (banned
left wing independent movement

which does not condemn
attacks by ETA)

Former mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz
with the Basque Nationalist Party

There are Basques who feel Basque
and think that whatever is Basque
takes in everything that is
a basic element of identity.

The Basque Country is
their homeland and their nation.

My little place in the world,
that's what Euskal Herria
is for me.

It's the name the world takes on
in this place,

the place where I live.
I live in the French State,
that's my citizenship.
But my nationality is Basque.
50% of Basques
feel that they are Basque,

but their national
patriotic identity is Spain.

That's where a large part
of the conflict lies,

in how each person defines
the Basque identity.

In this country,
we tend to make
collective formulations

in which the individual

They want this group identity
to be uniform.

ACuban friend of mine says that
we are the last natives in Europe.

Some think that feeling Basque
is their fundamental identity
