how many replies?
250 good men?
how can you choose?
trust to luck
I arrayed those names and close my eyes
then I pressed my finger onto the screen...
and then, hey, it's him!
this time the man's name is Philip
we have a date this afternoon
how can you find him?
he and I will carry a sunflower
in a bar, it's not noticeable
yes, you're right. but I won't do like that
it's easier than kissing a man!
don't say anything!
ok, I will go
I will drive your car
come on! me too, I will go, too
for a call?
how is it, Mrs Tarndan? can you keep on it?
no, it's hard
I've been in hot water
but I am egestive
that's unbelievable!
are you going to go straight?
I want to stop. I arrived first
you didn't open your signal lamp
no, I did, but you didn't see it
what? you want to fool me?
I won't move!
what's wrong? my friend's car!
you will be lucky if it still works
otherwise, I will kick your ass!