Hm, jde do hloubky.
- Myslí?
- Jo.
- Nemyslím, kdy mluví.
- Trhni si!
- Promiò. Nech to, já to ztlumím.
- Ne to je dobré, opravdu.
Na èem tam nahoøe
vlastnì dìlá?
- Promiòte?
- Vypadá to, e jse tím úplnì pohlcená.
- Román?
- Ne, dizertaci.
Skvìlý. O èem to je?
- O èem to je?
- Má nìjaké téma, ne?
Brilliant. What's it on?
-What's it on?
-You have a subject?
Yeah. We went to university.
We can handle it.
The genomic determinance of sexual
behaviour in the drosophila fruit fly...
...and its implications
for Homo sapiens.
Really? The sex life of flies?
No, the reproductive behaviour...
...of the fruit fly.
Excuse me.
Oh, he didn't mean it, Alex.
Honestly, he's got low self-esteem.
He had acne as a child.
You cunts.
Yeah, there's not much in here.
We've been doing takeout lately.
Oh, that's okay.
Is there a store nearby?
-Why don't you join us?
-Oh, no, l--
Seriously, Alex, you don't have
to be polite with me.