What the fuck is 511, huh?
What the fuck is that?
Is that a fucking code?
Is that a fucking code?
Is that a fucking prison code?
Is that a fucking prison code?
Don't fucking take me out.
Please God, don't.
Don't fucking take me out.
Please don't.
Please don't take me out.
-It's okay.
-Please don't.
I'm not feeling that. What's up
with the gallop? The tempo's shit.
-I'm right. Right?
-Yep, tempo's shit.
No, no, no, no.
Let us get into it.
It's gonna have texture.
Like, you know, like ooze.
Sonic ooze.
Great. Sonic ooze.
Okay, baby, how about
a horn section?
A little Tijuana Brass, maybe?
I heard Herb's in town.
-Let's not get patronizing.
-That's not patronizing.
That was accommodating.
I was accommodating you.
Against my better judgment, even.