Yeah, no.
I guess I was trying
to prove myself to myself.
You know, I needed...
-...to prove that I wasn't a loser.
-A loser?
Why would you think
you're a loser?
I was around a lot of losers
growing up and....
Not worthless-type loser...
...or, you know, bad person. Just....
Just lost. People at loose ends.
And I didn't want to be that.
I wanted to be anything but that.
You're everything but that.
I set up a meeting with his mom.
It's not protocol,
but I think it'll help.
Is he still violent?
No. No, he was never violent.
I thought you had to restrain him.
No, I sedated him.
-Oh, I thought he was psychotic.
-Huh? No.
He had a psychotic episode.
He OD'd on...
...methamphetamines. But...
...he's not psychotic in general.
When did you start reading
Spin magazine?
-I'm not really reading it.
-You just looking at it?
I'm skimming it.
-Is it helping?
-Yeah, it's informative.
-It's good for an overview.
-What, like a primer?
-Yeah, something like that.
-Getting the basics, a light survey...
...of popular culture.
-Are you teasing me?
Should I be reading
the Journal of Medicine...
...or the Harvard Review?
Would that be more appropriate?
-Something more scholarly?
-No, come on, Al. I was teasing.
I could harass you about those porno
magazines, but I didn't even bring it up.
Come on. I don't care about
the porno magazines.