-You've blocked out all the fun we had.
-I haven't blocked it out. It's all filed.
What about the trip to Veracruz?
Yeah. When Ronny went to jail?
Before that, when we were out
on his boat.
In the storm? That was fun?
That sucked.
No, it didn't.
You thought it was exciting.
I wasn't excited. I was hysterical.
There's a huge difference
between hysteria and excitement.
Are we ever gonna have
a relationship?
We're having a relationship.
Here we are, having it.
lan's got a room at the Chateau.
We'll stay there...
-...you can have the place to yourself.
-You should stay.
Alex is still looking for an apartment,
and we need something permanent...
...so just stay.
Why don't you ask her? Maybe
she wants to be alone in the interim.
I'm sure Alex wants you to stay.
I mean, she can't stay away from you
as it is.
He's gonna give her a frontal lobe.
No, no, he'll just give her Thorazine
and then lock her up.
I think she wants to be locked up.
Yeah, exactly.
Make your analysis at first...
... with three general patterns
of emotional response.
Rage is the response
to the primary stimulus of thwarting.
-Should I be embarrassed for us?
-I am. I really am.
You gonna have another?
-You know, I should probably go.
-Oh, come on, Golan.
How often do you get a night
and a morning off?
-I'd stay for another.
--and the emotional response to love...