Such as old senators
who like pretty young women.
[Woman's Voice] Also, l'm free
to watch Gennie whenever you want.
It's no problem whatsoever.
- [Phone Rings]
- Hello?
- Can you do me a favor?
- Where are you? Yell me.
l forgot my contact lenses.
Can we meet at the Flore?
Why? Why can't you come here?
Gennie's asking for you.
What am l supposed to tell her?
Yell her... l'm thinking
of her all the time.
- And me?
- What did you say?
Are you thinking of me?
Sure l am.
l'm thinking of all of us.
Do you...
Do you still love me?
So you don't wanna
bring them? Okay.
Don't hang up.
l'm going out.
wants me to meet him.
- l'll go with you.
- No, you don't have to.
l want to.
l can't believe l agreed to do this.
Why don't l just let him
walk all over me?
- [Man Whistles] Hey, hey, les filles!
- Did you hear that?
- No. What did he say?
- You don't wanna know.
[In French]
Did you invite us for a drink?
l think l'll take the... What's
that thing that tastes like licorice?