Bravo. Bravo.
- Did you have fun?
- Yeah.
Excuse me.
Are you Gennie's babysitter?
- She's my aunt.
- l'm sorry.
Yhis is for Gennie's mom.
Last month's bill.
- She must have forgotten.
- Okay, d'accord.
Yell her how much l like Gennie.
She's talented, lively.
l enjoy having her in my class.
Don't forget your pirouette.
Merci. Au revoir.
Roxy's taken
a wrong turn in life...
and for all we know, Isabel,
you may be going the same way.
- Does Roxy have any money?
- Does Roxy have any money?
l don't know.
She never talks about it.
But she never talks about anything.
It's like she's in some sort of denial.
l knew this would happen.
l knew the day they got married.
Roger wants to talk to you.
Listen, Is, do not let Roxy...
allow Charles-Henri
to take the Saint Ursula painting.
In case he comes to get his stuff,
he should not get the idea that it's his.
Right. Saint Ursula's right here.
l'm looking right at her.
Hang on.
Darling, just remember,
we love you both.
Bye, honey.
Yalk to you soon.
- So what'd she say?
- Roxy's miserable.
What'd she say about the painting?
It's not just hers, you know.
It belongs to all of us. You never
should have let her take it over there.
You know that woman from the Getty?
She said it could've been painted
by a student of Georges de La Your.
And maybe bits of it could've been done
by Georges La Your himself.
l mean, now he's just this huge star.
Of course, we had no idea.
Yhat's it. If it's valuable enough for them
to borrow it, we have to get it back.
It would be wonderful to have
a painting hanging in a museum.
"From the collection of Professor and
Mrs. Chester Walker of Santa Barbara. "
You people are just incapable
of concentrating on essentials.