Yhat's right.
Our girls are thousands of miles away
and they should be home with us.
That's the essentials.
- Honey.
- What?
- Yhank you.
- You're welcome.
So, Charles-Henri's mother
has been very nice.
She calls all the time, takes us
to lunch at expensive restaurants.
Roxy thinks Suzanne
is just pretending to be on her side...
and that, in reality,
her son can do no wrong.
All French mothers
are crazy about their sons.
French women are extraordinary.
l'm thinking of writing a little book
about them and their native habitat.
All their customs and ceremonials.
l mean, their scarves alone...
an entire chapter.
Knotted in front, one end down,
other end thrown over the shoulder.
Or looped around double
and the ends tucked in.
Or around the shoulder,
over their coat like a shawl.
Or tied in the back.
l mean, châle, foulard, ècharpe.
Just think of all the words
they have for scarf.
And in a language which is
very sparse in vocabulary.
- So, do you intend to stay?
- In Paris?
- Mm.
- Maybe.
If it works out, l'd like to.
- Why not?
- l'm thinking of going home soon.
After all this is done.
l bought a house
on the coast of Maine.
l dream about it
night after night.
Yhe bare rock, the cold sea.