So, l hope you brought your checkbooks.
[In French]
And if you didn't, please,
empty your pockets of all your cash...
- [Piano]
- because you can always
go home on the métro.
Yhere's someone
l want you to meet.
He is a lawyer who
specializes in divorce.
- Oh, no, please.
- His firm has connections with America.
l couldn't stand to hear
another lawyer talk about divorce.
By consent,
by mutual consent, by action.
Maître Bertram,
Madame de Persand.
- Her sister, Isabel.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
Now, l have talked with Maître Bertram
about your Saint Ursula...
and he does not think it's a good idea
that you send her to California.
Could l advise you?
If you were to send your picture
to the Getty Museum...
it might seem a trick
to get it out of France...
and that might jeopardize
the rest of the divorce.
It could be interpreted
as an act of bad faith.
What if l just rolled it up
and took it in my suitcase?
You could invite charges
that might lead to imprisonment.
- Yhat's out then.
- It would be an experience.
l don't think you'd like to experience
a French jail, mademoiselle.
Nice to meet you.
If you need anything.
What's it like in a French prison?
At Fresne, they have uniforms
designed by Yves Saint Laurent.
- No. You're serious?
- Yeah.
Yhey also have a full-time coiffeur.
- How do you know all this?
- l visit a friend there. Kelly.
She's American too.
- What is she in for? Drugs?
- No, currency.
But if you're really looking
for a new experience...
come to Action Alert on Yhursday.
Every Yhursday we ship supplies
to the refugees your...
sexy uncle Edgar
wants to blow up.