- What's he saying?
- He's sort of a warmonger.
He's always got some moral reason
for sending French planes out...
to bomb places he doesn't like.
- Oh, l'm sorry, honey.
- l'm all right.
Does he have a wife?
Edgar? Yeah, sure.
Aunt Amèlie.
Why do we never see her?
She's mostly down in the country
with her horses.
They stay out of each other's way.
l'm told they get along all right.
l like her.
Mother would like her too.
- What about kids?
- Ywins.
[Roxeanne] Two boys. One at the Sorbonne,
and one at Harvard Business School.
Yhat's where Edgar went too.
Come on.
- Have a good time.
- Don't forget your hat.
- See you later.
- Bye.
Everyone forgets
the suffering of this people.
- [Man On TV]
Mr. Rabourdin doesn't agree.
- [Chattering]
[Cell Phone Ringing]
- Oh, hi. Hello? Edgar?
- Yes.
Monsieur Cosset, it's Isabel.
- Ah, the other American.
- l saw you on television.
l just thought it was so...
so great, the way you
stood up to those guys.
Well, l feel very passionate
about the situation.
It's time someone spoke out.
But your French must be good
if you can follow all that.
Well, l had a little help from Roxy.
Well, then why don't we get together
so you can polish your French even more?
What about Thursday?
Are you taken for lunch?
- No.
- Do you know the Pompidou Center?
1.00. Up on the roof.
Café Georges.