To show to advantage.
- Very nice. Mm!
- [Giggles]
You don't keep a diary, do you?
Why? Are you afraid
that it might be...
read on television
like the American senator's?
l have no fear
of what you might write.
l only hope your literary style will be
up to the French public's expectations.
You're not, are you?
There is a certain kind of tisane...
made up of a mixture
of, uh, orange...
rosewater and mint.
It's to be drunk
before making love.
What does it do?
It perfumes the juices.
[Isabel Chuckles]
Yhat's something you would never
have found out in Santa Barbara.
Yhere are many things you would never
have found out in Santa Barbara.
How much of the tisane
do you have to drink?
A cup or just a tablespoon?
A whole teapot full
is recommended.