Roxy, you should know this.
Yhe lawyers say that if you don't agree
to a mutual consent, no-fault divorce...
you might not be allowed
to use my name.
- And our children?
- Naturally, they would be de Persand.
l have to have the same name
as my children.
French court usually awards custody
to the French parent.
You can't do this.
You can't destroy your own family.
It is you who are destroying me.
After everything you've said about freedom
of the individual to live and love.
It was only words with you.
Empty words.
Yes, it was.
l didn't realize
that when you really love...
there's no freedom at all.
Except to die.
Come on.
No more dramatics, please.
Just think about what l told you.
- [Bell On DoorJingles]
- Bonjour.
- Bonjour.
- Do you have this in blue?
Is blue denim okay?