Le Divorce

What do you think
of the name Henri-Luc?

- For the baby?
- Mm.

Um, Bertram.
A women's thing.
Something to do with the baby.

No, not a miscarriage.
l'll call you back.
- Hugues.
- Mm-mmm.

- Yhibault?
- l don't want any of those kind of names.

- [Knocking]
- Matthieu.

Maybejust Luc
is better than Henri-Luc.

l'm still thinking about names.
Any ideas?
l don't know how you could
do this to all of us.

- Could you not at least
have thought of the baby?
- l did.

l thought...
do l really wanna
bring him into this world?

Into a broken home?
So now, like everyone else,
you're blaming me.

l blame myself...
for coming up
with the wrong answer.

Oh, look at that color.
l should have brought you some.
l thought of it,
but l was so terribly upset.

It's too bad.
l'm sorry.
l'm not defending Charles-Henri.
He has behaved badly.

Like a lot of husbands.
