But leaving a pregnant wife...
is in bad taste.
Yhe bad taste was to marry her.
Those girls are not like us.
We can't teach them savoir-vivre,
good manners.
Yhey find it ridiculous.
Yhey only trust their instinct.
Yheir feelings.
And where does it lead?
- Uncontrolled emotions.
- Desire.
And now my idiotic brother...
is fooling around
with the sister.
She's also capable
of slicing open her veins.
It's not my problem.
It's his wife's.
l have my hands full with
Charles-Henri and his American.
l expect the worst from his Cossack.
you know how to behave.
It's a question of self-control.
How l hate letting oneself go!
At least you don't
end up in the hospital.
- Rog. Roger.
- Hey!
- Oh, wow!
- Hey. Welcome to France.
- Is! You look great!
- Where's your aunt Isabel?
- You look so French.
- Hi, Daddy. l do?
- Oh! Oh! Oh, my God!
- Hi, honey!
Hi, baby.
Look at you!
Oh, my... How is she?
How's Roxy?
- She's fine.
- Yeah?
Just don't talk about it. Please don't
remind her. Just forget it ever happened.
l'm gonna forget that my daughter
tried to kill herself?
- All right.
- Yhat's why l'm asking you.
Is looks like somebody
out of Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down.
l wouldn't know. l never saw
Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down.
My God, you're huge!
- Darling.
- You look great.
- Champagne, please.
- Champagne.
- [Roger] Diet Coke, please.
- [In French]