He was much younger then,
but otherwise he's the same.
You mean, personality-wise?
No, l think l mean character-wise.
l mean, there was always
something about him.
Worldly, knowing, a bit famous...
a bit old, which l suppose
could be sexually magnetic.
Especially to a young person,
it's like fornicating with God.
Where do these
pretty things come from?
Usually we beg in front
of Dior or St. Laurent...
so that rich women on shopping sprees
can expiate their sins.
Why don't you just put that
in the miscellaneous file for now?
l don't think
we need it in Yulsa.
[Isabel On Phone] So, you won't be
coming to Suzanne's lunch on Sunday?
What can l do?
Yhis conference was fixed up long ago.
l have to leave now.
l'm in the middle of packing.
- Don't you wanna meet my parents?
- More to the point...
would they want to meet me?
l'm hardly the desirable young suitor
they might have in mind.
- [Isabel] Don't you wanna see me?
- Naturally.
But if l don't leave now,
l might miss my plane.