In a heated moment, l may say
something that later l would regret.
Yeah, that is stressful.
The driver could drop you anywhere.
Come on in.
You know, it's true.
You are too old for me.
But we had a pretty good time.
Of course.
And think of everything
we learned from each other.
For example...
how beautiful it is to be young.
[Isabel Narrating]
So, good-bye, Uncle Edgar...
and good-bye, Kelly bag
and Edgar's other gifts.
l'm sure he's still buying Kelly bags
at Hermès for other dumb girls like me...
but l got over him.
So, l took Suzanne's advice
to go with life as it unrolls.
Prends la vie comme il vient.
[Man, In French]
You've arrived.
- [In French]
- [People Bidding]