At four-five. Are you sure?
It's your last chance.
It's hers. It's hers.
Can't win 'em all.
[Yves, In French]
What about taking my foot?
It means, "Did you have fun?"
Of course. Didn't you?
Who would have ever thought
"taking my foot"...
means "to have fun in bed"?
C'est ridicule.
You'll have to stay
and learn better French.
- C'est ridicule.
- C'est ridicule.
C'est ridicule.
[Isabel Narrating] Roxy said she'd
had enough of marriage for a while.
Yhere's your mother-in-law.
- Roxeanne.
- Suzanne.
But she changed her mind,
and she and Bertram did get together.
- You remember each other.
- Bonjour.
[In French]
[Both, In French]