Sweetie, your line's always busy.
Never call me again, asshole!
Now it's free!
I'm in danger, stuck at home,
and out of food.
- Croissants?
- That's be sweet.
- I'll bring some.
- Thanks.
Hello? Tell me...
That slut?
That's what she is!
Don't forget me!
Keep talking, you're a riot!
I hate what I do, too.
I'm like a prescription grocer!
I'm selling the store.
I've bought a fabulous farm
in Brittany.
I'll make it a showplace
for the world.
I'll need help, Francois.
Excuse me.
Everything OK?
I'll pick you up in an hour.
Let no one in!
What's your address?
See you soon.
Back to cops 'n robbers?
The last time:
To protect a witness.
- From that killer?
- Yes.
Tell me about your farm...