It's flying to Belfast Monday...
-I'll probably have to stay longer.
My darling!
You must be exhausted.
What time is it for you? 2 a.m.?
Gaelle, how are you, dear?
-Fine, thank you.
Hello, sir.
-Young man.
Do you remember Gaelle?
-Gaelle is unforgettable.
How are you?
No private rooms?
-I'm lucky I'm not in the hall.
I tried, all I got was voice mail.
Dad's very sick.
Please get in touch.
What I see isn't encouraging.
But to be sure I need a PET scan.
See if they can do it.
They can send it by satellite.
It stands for
Positron Emission Tomography.
Sherbrooke has one, but
there's a 6-12 month waiting list.
Isn't he going to Burlington today?
They have one, -
but it's expensive.
$2000 U.S.
Money's no problem.
-You're lucky.
You never listened to my body.
But I'm not laying a guilt.
-Look, I have to get dressed.
An ambulance is taking me to Burlington in 10 minutes.
-No more excuses!
For my radiation therapy.
The machines here are too old.
-Stop avoiding me.