So that explains the rise in the level
of the St. Lawrence River.
For years I'd fall asleep with
a hard-on, dreaming of Ines Orsini,
until the day I saw Francoise Hardy
on TV singing All the Boys and Girls.
I was suddenly indifferent to Ines's holy airs.
-Maria Goretti, alone,
abandoned - the fate of womanhood
For a long time I slept with
Francoise Hardy. We were very happy.
Alas, I discovered Julie Christie in a film.
Our mad affair lasted six months,
till I met Chris Evert,
the tennis champ,
whom I left for the sublime Karen Kain
dancing carmen in Marseille.
All my life I went to bed
with the world's most gorgeous women.
Then one morning I awoke realizing
I'd fallen asleep dreaming of the Caribbean.
I'd grown old.
Women had deserted my dreams.
It's been so long
since I dreamed of a man.
Just what is it you do?
You're president of a Norwegian oil firm.
You've bought a North Sea oil field
from a failing U.S. company.
You can produce oil for $7 per barrel,
and you sell for $25.
But you want to limit your exposure
to fluctuating oil prices. How?
No idea.
-You see me, we do a swap.