Except me, now. I know.
Are you scared? -Sure am. I don't want to
stop living. I loved life so much.
What was it you loved?
Wine, books, music, women,
above all women.
Their smell, their mouths,
the feel of their skin.
Were there many of them?
Don't they begin to seem the same?
-A bit, yes.
But I never get tired of them.
Still the great seducer? -No, not anymore.
With age, it's not the same thing.
Do you still enjoy wine?
Unfortunately not.
Not with my liver.
The trips you dreamed of,
did you make them?
Nowadays there are tourists everywhere.
It's not the present you cling on,
It's your past life.
That life is already dead.
I expected a musty antique dealer,
not a ravishing young lady.