Like it all mattered somehow.
I know what I did.
And I don't want forgiveness,
from you or anybody else.
I don't deserve it, and with respect,
I'm happy here.
- Happy?
- Well, I mean, I think it's right.
I think I belong here.
I find it interesting that you think
that you should determine...
...where you belong.
Now, you've spent 21 years, six
months here at Atborough.
And prior to that, one year, five
months at Wentworth Juvenile Facility.
Yes, sir, that's correct, and I expect
to remain here as sentenced.
I'm afraid you don't
exactly have that choice.
The Board of Review is aware
of your record here...
...and is prepared to commute your
sentence from life to time served.
There are those who might feel that
congratulations are in order here.
So congratulations.
You're a free man.