Don't have to listen,
don't have to give a shit.
- Just have to sit.
- Listen to what?
Me. Small enough price to pay
for keeping Daddy's car safe...
...in the big bad neighborhood, right?
Inside, inside. Come on, come on.
You'll get to your nightclub
soon enough. Here.
Here! Don't take no shit.
Fifteen minutes, no exceptions.
We'll talk about pay
when things get quieter.
All right, everybody,
we're back on the clock.
Excuse me. He gave me
this clipboard here and...
- You work here?
- I look to keys.
- Yeah.
- My name is Señor Aguilar.
My name is Manuel Jordan.
So this guy gives me...
Duwayne is very, very bad.
Two times no show.
- Well, I don't really know Duwayne.
- Señor Miles is very mad.
So anyway,
the guy gave me this clipboard.
I guess I stand here or something.
If they park here,
they have to sign that.
Hey, señor! Come on. So, what's
the old guy blabbing about tonight?
I really wouldn't have a clue.
Worse than goddamn Sunday school.
Here you go, God Boy.
All right, buddy.
Thrashing around like fish in a bucket.
But what kind of dancing is that?
David danced.
David in Second Samuel.
Chapter 6, Verse 14:
And David danced
before the Lord with all of his might.
"All of his might." Wow.