Thank you so much.
I could help you carry your bags.
Excuse me. I could help you
carry those bags if you like.
- You want to carry my bags?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Do I know you?
- No, ma'am.
- Then why you wanna carry my bags?
- I'd just like to help.
- Just like to help?
- Yes, ma'am.
I don't know you?
We've never spoken, no.
So, what, you've been
following me around?
I sensed someone following me.
Was that you?
- Yes, ma'am.
- I think it's best then maybe not.
- But thank you anyway.
- I just like to help, that's all.
- I'll get...
- Excuse me.
Hey! What the hell
you think you're doing?
No seconds till
everybody's had firsts.
Get your scruffy ass
to the back of the line.
Hey! Manuel.
Get up here.
Make yourself useful.
I need to get some more soup.
Give them one ladle,
one slice of bread.