
- It just helps me forget.
- Forget what?

Damn, you know, I don't remember.
See? It's working.

Come on.
You walked right into it.

Sometimes, you know,
you have to transgress a little bit...

...to help the greater good.
You gonna lean on that lettuce
or help me get it inside?

You gotta ask yourself something.
Are you dancing toward
something or away from something?

In other words, are you dancing for
pleasure, or you dancing for joy?

Now, if you dancing for
pleasure, why, I can't help you.

But if you dancing for joy...
...then you gotta pull your head
out of your ass and look around you...

...at the rest of the world
and the people in it.

Because if you wanna help yourself...
...try helping somebody else.
- She's the oldest, then?
- Yeah, that's Maria.

- She's how old?
- Pardon me?

- She's how old?
- She's 27.

You smell good.
You smell like Indian take-out.

You smell like chutney.
I'm telling you, you do!

- You smell like...
- Miss, your keys.

Hey! It's God Boy.
- This is Dick, and that's Duwayne.
- Hi.

- You forgot your keys.
- Duwayne will watch them.

He's a very responsible man.
