Where are you gonna be?
I gotta spend some afternoons
a few cities over.
Fill in for a friend.
Won't be back for a while.
I don't know that I would
know what to do.
Talk. Shoot pool.
You know, you were
a kid more recently than I was.
- I don't know.
- Well, guess what.
- You're already committed?
- Three o'clock.
I guess you're all here because...
...somebody thinks it's gonna
have some kind of influence.
Me, I don't know.
I guess we'll have to see that.
Before I came here,
I wrote down some things.
A few things I wish somebody had told
me when I was you guys' age.
Now that I look at it...
...there's not anything
that profound here...
...I have to say really. So...
Maybe I should ask you guys some
questions and then start it that way.
- So who are you, for instance?
- Who are you?
- I'm sorry?
- I said, who are you?
Okay. I'm Manuel Jordan.
Why did they tell you
you're coming here today?
It was either this or we go to the woods
and do shit with trees, you know.
Okay. With trees.
How about you?
Excuse me, you, with the...
...things in your head.
What's your name?
- What is it?
- He don't wanna tell you.
- I'm talking to the young man here.
- I ain't young.