It's dangerous that he hided in your car and got across the border.
It's my decision,okay?
Yes,I know.
But I don't want to be in fear and trembling with this guy.
Your thought is so different from mine.
Do you know how ridiculous is your thought?
Cut the crap,let me do this alone!
I'll help you.
I can bring you across the border.
Are you sure?
Yes. Give the money back to him.
What do you mean?
He wants the person who can help him,not the money.
You can ask him,When I gave him the money,
he was happy to accept it.
Give the money back to him!
It's not kidding,do you understand?
They only want money.
I don't care.It's my own business!Okay?
You'll be screwed if got caught!
Enough! What else you wanna say?
Take your fucking bag away!
If you broke up with your friend,
because of me,
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.Get in the car.
Come here.
From here,you can see the glass frontdoor
of the mansion that we built
You can see the scene of river side from every offices here.
You build this project all by yourself?
Yes,all by myself.
Haha,just joking.
But I'll design the glass part.
Think about it,I'm getting ready for it all the time.
It's going to be built up.
I feel like a pilot in the cabin,
permitted to get off.
You can do it well.You are always this kind of person.
What abou tyou?What are you gonna do?
Let's talk about something more interesting.
If you want to go to a high level,
you should go for further study.
You are really changed.
Is that how you feel?