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"Looney Tunes: Back in Action" torrent
Late 2003
Very Large Release.
Mixed Reviews
Thin Acceptance
High Budget.
– Directed by Joe Dante
– More Small Soldiers Matinee Gremlins 2 The `burbs Amazon Women on the Moon
– Language
Looney Tunes: Back in Action
Looney Tunes: Back in Action is a 2003 Warner Bros. film that combines live-action and animation to tell the story of a hapless stuntman, DJ Drake (played by Brendan Fraser), who stumbles his way into a plot to possess a mysterious blue diamond in the course of rescuing his famous actor father (played by Timothy Dalton). In his globe-trotting adventure, he is aided (and confounded) by his animated Hollywood friends, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, as well as the studio executive who fired him (played by Jenna Elfman). Written by Larry Doyle and directed by Joe Dante, this film is essentially a feature-length Looney Tunes cartoon, with all the wackiness and surrealism typical of the genre. Grossing around US$21 million (US$68 million worldwide), it was a considerably large bomb, partially due to stiff competition from Elf and The Cat In The Hat, but earned relatively positive reviews from critics, including those that gave Space Jam bad reviews.
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Looney Tunes: Back in Action
:00:25 Vær meget stille. Jeg jager kaniner.
:00:35 Jeg er en and med lyst til selv-beskyttelse.
:00:41 Spar dine bønner, kanin.
Det er kanin sæson.
:00:45 - Ande sæson.
- Kanin sæson!
:00:52 Ande sæson! Skyd!
:01:06 Hold alting.
:01:08 "Daffy blev skudt."
Page 7: "Daffy blev skudt."
:01:12 Page 8: "Daffy blev skudt igen!"
:01:14 Hvad er der galt med jer mennesker?
Vi kan ikke gøre det på den måde mere.
:01:19 bror Warner...
:01:20 show biz legender som mig
Bør ikke være håndlanger...
:01:24 for den langøret,
gulerød-spisende, overbid-snakkende
:01:27 Hvad så, doc?
:01:31 Bobby, hvordan har konen det?
:01:33 Flot næse job, Chuck. Tak, piger.
:01:36 Godt træk, Mel. Ville aldrig have gættet det.
:01:39 - undskyld mig.
- fornøjelsen er helt min.
:01:41 venner, jeg tror Daffy har ret.
Måske jeg tager en ferie.
:01:45 Besøger mine 542 niecer and nevøer.
:01:47 Mr. And, undskyld mig, jeg er ked af det.
:01:49 Jeg kan ikke se hvordan vi kan have
en Bugs Bunny film uden Bugs Bunny.
:01:54 åh, min gud, nej.
:01:55 Du kan ikke have en film
uden Bugs Bunny.
:01:58 Hvis jeg lige må spørge, hvis
Fremragende personale assistent er du?