[Video Game: Girl's Voice]
Wait.! Take me with you.!
[John Groans]
[Door Closes]
[Groans, Laughs]
[John Laughs]
How'd it go, huh?
Oh, it was good, you know.
I'm tired.
Yeah, I-I-I gotta go downstairs
and meet Kelly for some drinks.
She wants to talk about
some photo thing.
Maybe I'll go downstairs with you.
Oh, you wanna come?
Yeah, sure.
Okay. Yeah.
Stepped out
of a dream
Everybody is always, like,
"Kelly, you are anorexic."
And I'm, like, "No, I'm not."
I eat so much junk food,
you wouldn't believe it.
Just because I have
a high metabolism.
Because I thought
you were anorexic too.
Everybody does.
Everybody thinks that.
Yeah, 'cause you look so...
Thank you!
I know, but it's...
I mean, I eat whatever.
I have a really high metabolism.
But, um...
My dad
was an anorexic.
Oh, really?
He, um, fought
on the American side
of the Bay of Pigs in Cuba.
He was taken prisoner,
and the whole time he was there
they tortured him about food.
Every day they told him
they put poison in the food.
So they would always
make themselves throw up
after every meal.
That's horrible.
That's terrible.
That's some crazy shit.
You don't think
he sounds kinda goofy?
You know that break beat, right?
Well, I been takin' it
to some next level shit.
Like, I'll take that
and put a delay on it,
so it's like...
[Imitating Hip-hop Beat]
So it's, like, evolving,
the beat.
So it, like, sounds
hella large on the track.
You know what I'm sayin'?