Well, why don't you just stay there,
and you can have it every day?
How are the kids doin'?
They're fine.
They miss their father.
But they're getting used to
you not being here.
Do I need to worry
about you, Bob?
Only if you want to.
Bob, I got things to do.
I gotta go.
I'll see you...
I mean, I'll talk to you later.
Okay, bye.
[Both Speaking German]
[Speaking Japanese, Laughing]
[Audience Laughing]
[Speaking Japanese]
[TV: Continues]
Matthew Smellick!
Matthew "Snellick."
[Audience Applauds, Laughs]
[Speaking Japanese]
[TV: Continues]
Thank you. Thank you so much.
We'll take a really short break,
and we'll see you in a minute.
[Footsteps Approaching]
Hi. Uh, champagne.
[Clears Throat]