Prime Minister, over here!
Thank you.
- Welcome, Prime Minister.
- Woh! l must work on my wave.
How are you?
- How are you feeling?
- Erm...
Cool. Powerful.
Would you like to meet
your household staff?
Yes, l would like that very much indeed.
Anything to put off
actually running the country.
- This is Terence. He's in charge.
- Morning, sir.
Good morning.
l had an uncle called Terence.
Hated him, l think he was a pervert.
But l very much like the look of you.
- This is Pat.
- Hello, Pat.
Good morning, sir. l'm the housekeeper.
Oh, right. l should be easier than the last lot.
No nappies, no teenagers, no scary wife.
And this is Natalie. She's new, like you.
- Hello, Natalie.
- Hello, David. l mean, sir.
Shit, l can't believe l've just said that.
And now l've gone and said ''shit''.
Twice. l'm so sorry, sir.
You could've said ''fuck''
and we'd have been in real trouble.
Thank you, sir. l had a premonition
l was gonna fuck up on my first day.
Oh, piss it!
Right, l'll get my things
and then let's fix the country, shall we?
Yeah, l can't see why not.
- lt's all right.
- Did you see what l did?
- Yes, l did.
- l just went ''blurh''.